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Precautions for safe operation of metal shredder in use

发布时间:2021-09-11 16:12

The metal shredder has a very terrifying power when it is running, and it can easily shred hard metal products. Therefore, you must pay attention to the standard operation when you operate it. The key to safe production is the key. Let's take a look at the metal in detail. Precautions for safe operation of the shredder when in use.


       1. Installation of metal shredder

  The metal shredder should be fixed on the cement base. If the workplace is frequently changed, the shredder and motor should be installed on a base made of angle iron to prevent the metal shredder from being damaged by moving back and forth.

  2. The equipment of the metal tearing machine must be started up and checked

   Before starting, it is necessary to check whether the local connecting bolts of the unit are tightened, whether the transmission belt is properly tight, and whether the power cord is in good condition. Whether the motor shaft is parallel to the shredder shaft. Check the blade to see if the screen is in good condition.

  3. Precautions after starting the small metal tearing equipment

   After starting, first let the equipment idling for 2-3 minutes to check whether the rotor rotation is correct and the sound is normal. It can work only when the speed is stable at the rated speed.

   4. The safe operation requirements of the metal shredder in use

  In the work, always pay attention to the condition of the shredder, the feed should be average to prevent clogging, and not to overload the work for a long time. If there is vibration, noise, high temperature, or spraying materials between the bearing and the body, stop the inspection immediately, troubleshoot the fault and continue working. Damaged materials should be carefully inspected, and foreign objects such as stones and metals should not be mixed to avoid damage to the machine. When the machine is running, the operator is not allowed to disassemble or disassemble the machine to check the working status of the tearing room. When clogging occurs, it is strictly forbidden for the operator to put his hands in the filling hopper. When loading, you should stand on the side of the shredder to prevent rebounding fragments from hurting your face. Do not close it immediately after the work is finished, and run it idling for 2-3 minutes, so that the material in the machine is completely discharged.

  5. Inspection and maintenance of the metal shredder after shutdown

   After the metal shredder is closed, check the main vulnerable blades in time. After wear, the entire set of blades should be replaced at the same time, whether in the same direction or in the same direction. When replacing a new blade, the entire set of blades should be replaced at the same time instead of replacing the old blade with a single blade. The screen is also a vulnerable part. If the local damage is enough to be riveted, the screen needs to be replaced with a new one if it is severely damaged. After 300 hours of operation, the metal crusher should clean the bearings and change the oil.

上一篇:Scrap steel crusher specializes in the production of "high-quality scrap steel"


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